Partner Kathleen W. Cannon Quoted in U.S. Trade Petition Article
In an American Metal Market article titled “Petitions Can Help But They’re Not a Panacea,” partner Kathleen W. Cannon was quoted. The article discussed trade petitions launched last year by U.S. manufacturers of products made from wire rod and other finished steels against China. Ms. Cannon represents the U.S. industry in both the PC strand and wire decking cases.
While some U.S. market sources say it is too soon to tell how much-or if-Chinese shipments of the products being investigated as a result of these trade petitions will decline, others said they are seeing incremental improvements in orders. Ms. Cannon has closely monitored import statistics and noticed fewer imports as a result of trade cases. She contends that “volumes definitely seem to be dropping and orders are being repatriated back to U.S. sources.” She also says, “Companies are hearing from customers that are calling them to seek product.”
In this article, Ms. Cannon highlights the opportunity for more trade complaints against the United States’ largest trading partner. “We are constantly looking at different products, including downstream products, that have generally increased from China in a pattern over several years,” Cannon said. She noted that the firm is taking a hard look at Chinese national and provincial tax policies, for example, “which incentivize export of finished downstream steel products.