Partner John E. Villafranco Quoted on FDA Warnings Regarding Mouthwash Ad Claims
The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Sacramento Bee, and Orlando Sentinel are a few amongst several publications that quoted partner John E. Villafranco in an article titled “FDA Orders Mouthwash Makers to Stop Unsupported Claims on Gum Disease.” The article discussed the recent warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to three companies that market mouth rinse products to stop making unsupported claims that they remove plaque and promote healthy gums. The claims suggest the products are effective in preventing gum disease when no such benefit has been proven.
“We’ve got a much more aggressive FDA and FTC, there’s no question about it,” said Mr. Villafranco. He also noted that in contrast to Europe, where regulators list permissible claims for food and drugs, “and you’re either on the list or you’re not, in the U.S. there’s been a more flexible standard” - which now is becoming less forgiving.