Mobile Marketer Quotes Partner Gonzalo E. Mon on Verizon SMS Lawsuit
Partner Gonzalo E. Mon was quoted in the Mobile Marketer article, “Verizon Lawsuit Alleging Premium SMS Fraud Serves as Cautionary Tale.” The article discussed the recent lawsuit filed by Verizon Wireless in federal district court in Phoenix outlining an ongoing scheme that used Premium SMS campaigns to defraud the carrier and its customers.
“This case should not directly affect legitimate mobile marketers who structure lawful campaigns, follow the wireless carriers’ approval processes and conduct their campaigns in the manner they represented to the carriers,” said Mr. Mon. “Unfortunately, though, schemes like those operated by the defendants have the potential to taint mobile marketing in the eyes of consumers, who may be less likely to participate in mobile campaigns,” he said. “And these schemes could also cause regulators to pass more restrictive laws.”