Law360 Quotes Partner Wayne J. D’Angelo on Fracking Study Results

Partner Wayne J. D’Angelo was quoted in the Law360 article Fracking Studies Put Energy Cos. On Firmer Ground.” The article discusses a pair of studies released this week that conclude that hydraulic fracturing isn’t linked to groundwater contamination. These results could further shift the emphasis of federal and state regulators to the fracked wells themselves, which can foul water supplies if they’re faulty, and put a major dent in lawsuits that claim groundwater contamination was caused by fracking. Mr. D’Angelo said, To the extent that states are updating their oil and gas regulations to account for hydraulic fracturing, information like this could be used to focus the regulators on casing. Which isn’t a particularly bad outcome, especially if they resist the inference that they need to regulate hydraulic fracturing, the injection process, more strictly.”