Law360 Quotes Partner Paul Rosenthal on Trump’s First 100 Days in Office

Partner Paul Rosenthal was quoted in the Law360 article Trump’s Trade Agenda: The First 100 Days.” The article discusses the biggest international trade developments since Trump took office. The first 100 days have been incredibly action-packed with activities that either dismay or delight you depending on how you feel about free trade or protectionism,” Paul stated.

The North American Free Trade Agreement was one issue mentioned in the article. I think the administration has concluded that withdrawal would really be unsettling to many U.S. industries that employ millions of workers,” Paul noted. After 26 years, there has been a pattern of trade established that would be quite disturbing to a lot of entities. I think the administration has figured out that the disruptive part of these threats to manufacturing and agriculture really requires a more cautious approach.”

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