Law360 Quotes Partner Jason R. Adams on Garden Fresh’s Debtor-in-Possession Loan
Partner Jason R. Adams was quoted in the Law360 article “Garden Fresh Gets OK On New DIP Loan, Bid Procedures.” Garden Fresh Restaurant Immediate Holdings LLC, the owner of the bankrupt casual dining chain, received court approval for a $4.5 million DIP loan in Delaware. Provided by a group of first-lien secured debt holders known as the TLA group, they required that objections from the unsecured creditors’ committee and landlords of restaurant locations be resolved. Mr. Adams, who is part of the Kelley Drye team representing the creditors’ committee, said the objections of the committee were resolved and a settlement was negotiated. “We were able to resolve each of the issues we raised in our October 26 objection to move forward with a sale process that is going to allow this business to survive and preserve jobs. We were never opposed to a sale process that was going to maximize the long-term viability of this business.”
Garden Fresh’s unsecured creditors’ committee is represented by partners Eric R. Wilson and Jason R. Adams.
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