Law360 Quotes Partner Gonzalo E. Mon on FTC Guidance for Mobile App Developers
Partner Gonzalo E. Mon was quoted in the Law360 article, “FTC Guidance Reminds App Makers They Face Privacy Scrutiny.” The Federal Trade Commission has offered mobile application makers the first guidance on how to comply with truth-in-advertising and basic privacy principles, sending a strong signal that the agency intends to hold mobile app developers to the same standards as companies that operate online.
“The FTC’s guide addresses many of the issues that have gotten app developers in trouble over recent years,” said Mr. Mon. “For companies that are smart about this, it could provide them with a road map for staying out of the FTC’s crosshairs.”
“Mobile app developers need to get it right from the beginning,” he said. “Although it may cost more to run an app through a legal review prior to launch, it costs a lot less than having to deal with an FTC investigation later.”