Law360 Quotes Partner Dana B. Rosenfeld on COPPA Ruling
Partner Dana B. Rosenfeld was quoted in the Privacy & Consumer Protection Law360 article, “COPPA Rule Changes Will Expand Privacy’s Reach, Costs.” The article discusses the Federal Trade Commission’s September 15, 2011 proposal of several changes to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which was implemented in 2000 and gives parents control over what personal information websites may collect from children under 13 years old. These proposed revisions would revise the current COPPA rule to take into consideration the new technology that has been introduced during the last decade and the validity of the existing mechanisms for gaining parental consent for the collection of protected information from children.
“The FTC achieves greater compliance when more companies join safe harbor programs, but imposing onerous obligations on companies that want to sign up lessens their incentive to do so and may hurt compliance,” Ms. Rosenfeld said.