Law360 Quotes Partner Alysa Zeltzer Hutnik on FTC’s Settlement with Apple Inc.
Partner Alysa Zeltzer Hutnik was quoted in the Law360 article “$33M Apple Pact Ushers In Broad New FTC Disclosure Standard.” The article discusses the recent FTC case with Apple Inc. to resolve claims that the company unfairly billed parents for in-app purchases their kids made. The $32.5 million settlement will force many companies to rethink their disclosure practices, and adds to the debate over how and when the FTC should be allowed to characterize a business practice as unfair. Ms. Hutnik commented that “[t]hese are well-articulated points that will no doubt continue to be discussed in the ongoing debate about the FTC’s use of its unfairness authority, and raise for businesses that may become FTC targets what type of evidence might be helpful to [assist in] evaluating such cost-benefit decisions if the FTC does not undertake to prepare such analysis itself.”