Law360 Mentions Partners Michael C. Lynch and Damon W. Suden as Counsel to Bacardi in Trademark Litigation Over ‘Havana Club’ Rum Brand
Partners Michael C. Lynch and Damon W. Suden are noted as counsel to Bacardi & Co. Ltd. in the Law360 article, “Bacardi Renews ‘Havana Club’ Cuban Rum TM Fight,” regarding the spirit manufacturer’s dispute with a Cuban state-owned entity over the trademark for the “Havana Club” brand of rum. Bacardi has argued that the U.S. Patent and Trademark office wrongly permitted the Cuban government and its joint venture partner, Pernod Ricard, to renew a registration for the mark.
This dispute has also been reported in World Trademark Review, The Miami Herald, Beverage World, and several other news outlets.
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