Law360 Cites John Villafranco Discussing INFORM Act
Partner John Villafranco is quoted by Law360 in an article discussing a new law, enforced by the FTC and state attorneys general, aimed at curbing counterfeit goods sold online. This law went into effect on June 27.
The law, known as the Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers Act, or INFORM Consumers Act, requires online marketplaces to collect and verify full names, physical addresses, tax ID numbers, bank information, working phone numbers and email addresses from third-party sellers.
“Oftentimes, these third parties can’t be identified,” Villafranco said. “That’s really one of the purposes of the act, to collect and verify seller and financial information from high-volume third-party sellers who operate on the platforms so that they can be traced and action can be taken against them.“
Read the full article here.(may require a subscription)