Kelley Drye’s Barbara Hoey Featured in Law360 Article on Essential Employee’s Reluctance to Work

Partner and Labor and Employment co-chair Barbara Hoey was recently interviewed by Law360 for an article detailing the new challenges faced by employers. The article, How To Maintain A Robust Workforce During A Pandemic,” discusses the impact of COVID-19 on employers as well as employees who are in essential businesses and not willing to return to work amid the crisis.

The most reluctant workers have been those that hospitals have redeployed from other, closed areas to answer phones or take blood samples in busier units according to Barbara. She also details some of the  provisions businesses are making in order to reduce their employees’ exposure to the virus. She states that by taking preventative measures, you’re being as reasonable and as careful as possible to make sure you’re not exposing this employee unnecessarily”.

To read the full article, click here.