Kelley Drye Welcomes Dana Rosenfeld
Leading Consumer Protection Expert Joins the Firm
Washington, D.C. – Dana B. Rosenfeld, one of the country’s preeminent consumer protection experts, has joined Kelley Drye & Warren LLP. Dana will advise clients across the spectrum of privacy and consumer protection law, and Dana will serve as chair of Kelley Drye’s Privacy and Information Security practice. She will practice in the Advertising and Marketing group based in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office.
“Kelley Drye’s clients will benefit tremendously from Dana’s extraordinary depth of consumer protection and privacy expertise, leadership experience at the FTC, and relationships with Commissioners and state Attorneys General,” said Paul C. Rosenthal, managing partner of the Washington, D.C. office. “We are pleased that she will expand the firm’s already extensive FTC expertise.”
Dana’s public service included assignments as advisor to FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky, as senior legal advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection, and as Assistant Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. While Assistant Director, she was responsible for coordinating consumer protection policy on advertising and electronic commerce issues.
With a practice encompassing privacy, data security, advertising and consumer finance, Dana represents clients before the FTC and state Attorneys General, provides ongoing compliance advice, and assists in the development of legislative policy positions and self-regulatory corporate responsibility programs.
Dana regularly counsels companies in developing and implementing policies consistent with legal mandates and self-regulatory programs governing collection, use, and security of personal data. United States Trustees have recognized her privacy expertise by appointing her Consumer Privacy Ombudsman in the Tower Records, Ritz Camera, and Steve & Barry’s bankruptcy proceedings, where she submitted reports and recommendations to the courts regarding the disposition of customer lists and other personally identifiable information.
“I am thrilled to join a group with such breadth and depth,” said Dana. “I look forward to serving clients from this platform and expanding the Privacy and Information Security practice.”
Dana joins an advertising and privacy group that has national reputation for excellence. With leaders in the consumer protection bar and specialists in every area of the law, Kelley Drye offers a wide variety of legal services, from counseling to litigation and the many tasks in between. Our attorneys have worked with FTC personnel ranging from enforcement staff to Commissioners, and we have strong relationships with officials of state Attorneys General.