Kelley Drye Successfully Defends Archdiocese in Unsafe Property Case
Kelley Drye successfully represented the Archdiocese of New York in a lawsuit brought by five former parishioners of St. Brigid parish on the lower east side in Manhattan. The plaintiffs sought a court order that would require the Archdiocese to reopen St. Brigid Church, which had been closed several years ago. The Church had fallen into disrepair. As reported in the New York Law Journal, the Court found that “it would be an ‘impermissible intrusion’ into Cardinal Egan’s ecclesiastical authority to mandate that he ... reopen the building as a church and/or to require him to operate a parish therein.”
This was the third in a series of this type of victory Kelley Drye has achieved on behalf of the Archdiocese over the past two years.