Directors & Boards Turns to Matthew Luzadder on Equifax’ Cyber Breach & Leadership Cracks
Partner Matthew Luzadder was included in the Directors & Boards article “Equifax’ Cyber Breach & Leadership Cracks,” discussing Equifax’s cyber breach and lessons company boards can learn from the response of its leadership.
“The key issue is not the fact that the breach happened under former CEO and Chairman Richard Smith’s watch, but that Equifax’s response demonstrated that the company’s leadership was not prepared to deal with the issue once it occurred,” Matthew explained. “There is a significant question as to when the board and the executive team knew about the breach and if Mr. Smith convened an emergency board meeting to address the incident and what response, if any, the board decided to take in response to the breach.”
Matthew suggests boards should ensure they are promptly informed of incidents that present risks to the company and should require that the company’s executive leadership be prepared to address such incidents, from both an operational and public relations perspective.
To read the article please click here.