Bloomberg BNA Quotes Partner Christie G. Thompson on CPSC Enforcement Action
Partner Christie Grymes Thompson was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA Product Safety & Liability Reporter article, “Maker of Buckyballs Launches Full Defense; CPSC Pushes on with Complaint, Rulemaking.” The manufacturer of Buckyballs and Buckycubes has been engaged in a full court defense, arguing to the media and lawmakers that it has been unfairly singled out by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in the agency’s effort to stop the sale of the products. Meanwhile, the CPSC is pushing forward not only with its rare, July 25 administrative action but also on drafting a new rule to address the dangers of small high-powered magnetic products.
Such an enforcement action is rare, with the last such complaint filed 11 years ago, but the case lands neatly in the cross hairs of two agency priorities—magnets and children’s products, Ms. Thompson, chair of the consumer product safety practice at Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, told BNA July 27.