Bloomberg BNA Quotes Partner Barbara Hoey on Precariousness of OSHA’s Guidance on Bathrooms for Transgender Community
Partner Barbara E. Hoey was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA article “OSHA Transgender Restroom Guidance in Doubt.” The article discusses a letter sent February 22, 2017 from the departments of Justice and Education announcing they would revoke their earlier guidance allowing transgender students to choose school restrooms based on their chosen sexual identity. Because of the departments’ revoked guidance under the Trump administration, people are concerned about the Occupation Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) guidance saying all employees should have access to restrooms that correspond to the gender with which they identify. Ms. Hoey said the February 22ndletter shows the Trump administration will make rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people a “big issue.” She added, “I would not be surprised to see a shift at the EEOC.”
To read the full article, please click here.