What is on the EEOC’s Agenda? LGBT Rights in the Workplace
June 22, 2016 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EDT)
With the right to same-sex marriage established, the workplace has become the next civil rights frontier. The tide has clearly turned: While Title VII does not expressly prohibit discrimination against LGBT individuals, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has now pronounced that federal law offers protection. The DOJ and the OFCCP are also backing this approach, while Congress considers federal legislation protecting LGBT individuals.
Please join us for a special live presentation (lunch served) in Chicago that will explore the evolving regulatory landscape and discuss common-sense approaches to this important topic. The presentation will also be broadcast live via webinar and will address the following questions, among others:
- Is sexual orientation protected under federal law or not? And what does that mean for employers?
- What would your company do if a transgender employee asked for accommodations relating to his/her physical condition or “transition”?
- How do you deal with the “bathroom” issue?
- How do you deal with a workforce that may be less comfortable with the “new normal” in LGBT issues than the EEOC is?
- Does your manager know how to respond if an applicant were to reveal he or she is a transgender during the hiring process?