USF Contribution Reform Roundtable
Kelley Drye Webinar
April 30, 2012 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (EDT)
On April 27, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission will open a rulemaking proceeding to address reforms of its USF contribution methodology. With the USF contribution factor exceeding 17%, all have agreed that reform is necessary. Nevertheless, finding an acceptable fix has proven elusive. With the April 27 NPRM, the Commission will make another attempt to devise a contribution system that is sufficient, equitable and non-discriminatory.
Please join the Kelley Drye Communications Practice Group on Monday, April 30th, for a webinar to discuss our first take on the NPRM and the potential impact of contribution reform on all contributors. Kelley Drye will provide an insightful discussion of the proposed rule changes, how they might impact your business, and what you can do about it. The topics we will explore include:
- The NPRM’s discussion of revenue-based, connections-based and numbers-based contribution mechanisms, and the impact of each on current contributors
- Potential expansion of the revenue-based mechanism to include services such as broadband Internet access, CMRS data services, and information services
- Potential modifications to reseller certification procedures and VoIP, CMRS or bundled services safe harbors
- Comments requested on an MPLS safe harbor
- Impact upon pending USF appeals and future USAC audits
Email to register.