Social Media for Business: Boon or Bane?
The Knowledge Congress Webcast
December 6, 2011
On December 6, 2011, partner Gonzalo E. Mon presented in the The Knowledge Congress Webcast, “Social Media for Business: Boon or Bane?” This webcast focused on the major roll social media plays in business today and what kinds of threats it thereby poses for companies and their decision makers. The core issues addressed were:
• Introduction: What is Social Media Marketing?
• Testimonial and Endorsement Guides and WOMMA
• Sweeps, Contests and 3rd Party Platform Rules
• UGC, IP Issues
• UGC, Other Liability Issues
• Other Issues (Can Spam, TCPA, Privacy, Kid’s)
• Social Media Policy
• Conclusion: Integrating Compliance into the Campaign and Providing the Client with Meaningful Deliverables and ROI reporting