Navigating the Hazards of FCC Spectrum Use Enforcement
October 23, 2014 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (EDT)
The Federal Communications Commission continues to step up its enforcement actions against communications and technology companies with increasing emphasis on spectrum and licensing matters, including operating outside the rules (or with expired authority), unauthorized transfers of control or assignments, and operation of unlawful signal boosters and jammers. Please join partner Chip Yorkgitis of the Communications Practice Group of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP on October 23, 2014 for a webinar addressing the recent trends in FCC spectrum enforcement issues facing the communications industry and practical steps to be taken to ensure licensees and users remain compliant. Some of the important topics to be discussed include:
- Spectrum enforcement examples across the industry
- Outline of the FCC’s enforcement process
- Key staffing changes in the Enforcement Bureau
- New FCC consent decree policies
This webinar is free of charge. Presentation slides and a recording of the webinar will be available to registrants.