Navigating Disability Protections Under the Law: Avoiding the Perfect Storm
New York CLE Seminar Series
November 18, 2008 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (EST)
The multiple obligations imposed under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state Workers’ Compensation (WC) and disability discrimination laws have always been a challenge for employers. That challenge has increased with the signing into law of an amendment to the ADA. This amendment has exponentially increased the number of employees now potentially covered by the Act. The interplay between these laws will continue to create increased complexity for human resource managers and executives.
Unfortunately, it is not enough to know the ins and outs of FMLA, ADA and WC laws. It is imperative to understand how they overlap, the legal obligations imposed by each law, and the rights and responsibilities that you as an employer have to your employees. Companies need to develop the appropriate policies and programs that meet the necessary legal obligations and maximize employee productivity.
The first half of the program addressed the legal obligations of the FMLA, ADA and WC. Partner Barbara Hoey provided an overview of the three laws, how they intertwine and your legal obligation to comply.
The second half of the program provided the opportunity to hear from Kim Stattner, who manages strategy and product development for Hewitt LCG, as she discusses solutions that you can put in place to help you administer leaves of absence.
In accordance with the requirements of the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board, this non-transitional continuing legal education program is not approved for the newly admitted attorney within the first two years of admission to the Bar.