Kelley Drye Diversity Fellows Attend City Bar Luncheon
April 30, 2013
On April 30, 2013, the Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Lawyers at the New York City Bar held its Annual Luncheon celebrating its Diversity Fellowship Program and the 2013 Fellows. The Diversity Fellowship Program is designed to provide top tier summer employment opportunities to first year law students from underrepresented populations. For more than 20 years, Kelley Drye has sponsored the City Bar’s Diversity Fellowship Program, providing summer employment to talented first year students from area law schools. Attending this year’s luncheon wasKelley Drye Diversity Fellow, Kelli Ortega (2012), of Cardozo Law School. The 2013 Fellow, Shanu Bajaj of Fordham Law School joined Kelley Drye last summer. Also in attendance at the luncheon were Stephanie Doud, Recruiting Administrator and Venetta Amory, Diversity Director.