From Headlines to Implementation: Programming Enforcement Examples into Practice
October 6, 2023 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm (EDT)
If you are attending the IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2023 Conference in San Diego on October 5 – 6, 2023 we invite you to join Partner Alysa Hutnik and other industry professionals for a panel discussion entitled From Headlines to Implementation: Programming Enforcement Examples into Practice.
Recent FTC and state attorney general privacy enforcements grabbed attention and also provided further insights on certain risky data practices, from use of common adtech on health sites, to missing global privacy controls, to insufficiently addressing children’s privacy. Even still, it can be difficult to use headlines as leverage to change business practices — and getting resources to do so. This panel will distill the lessons from recent cases and how they support making internal changes, and tips for prioritizing and sequencing compliance implementation strategies.
What you will learn:
- Which business practices drew regulatory attention and what changes were required.
- Considerations when responding to a government subpoena/notice of violation.
- Strategies for making the case to business leadership for changes to the privacy program and securing the budget to support those changes.
This session is part of the Privacy Bar and Women Leading Privacy Section programming.
In addition, you are invited to participate in a pre-conference workshop hosted by Kelley Drye partners Alysa Hutnik, Laura VanDruff and Aaron Burstein, and industry partner, Ketch, on October 4 at the Pendry Hotel. Join us as we discuss data deletion, sensitive personal information, and data protection impact assessments. This workshop is highly interactive. We look forward to this time of collaboration and knowledge sharing. Register here.