Energy and Water Industry Policies and Priorities Wish List
Atlantic Council’s Workshop On Fossil Fuel Produced Water
June 25, 2013 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (EDT)
On June 25, 2013, special counsel Wayne J. D’Angelo participated in a panel discussion entitled “Energy and Water Industry Policies and Priorities Wish List” during the Atlantic Council’s two-day Fossil Fuels Produced Water Workshop in Washington, D.C.
The Atlantic Council convened this invitation-only workshop on June 24-25, 2013 for industry thought leaders, produced water experts, government policy makers, and key stakeholders to focus on realistic options to manage produced water and examine the technology and legal/regulatory/policy barriers to expanding options for beneficial reuse of produced water.
The workshop took a novel, resource-centered approach by analyzing produced water volumes and characteristics according to each type of production, including conventional oil (both on-shore and off-shore), oil sands, natural gas (conventional and tight), shale gas and coal bed methane -- taking care to explain how produced water differs from location to location. It also afforded the water industry opportunities to showcase their technologies. Both industries were asked to discuss policy and regulatory recommendations to incentivize best practices for produced water.