12th Annual USF Update Webinar
March 22, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (EDT)
Please join us on March 22, 2021 for Kelley Drye’s annual webinar discussing the state of the federal Universal Service Fund. This webinar, back for its 12th year, provides an in-depth look at all four USF programs and the USF contribution mechanism, highlighting major developments in the last year and trends for the upcoming year. In addition, this year we will discuss how the ongoing pandemic has influenced the importance of the USF and related policy decisions.
This webinar supplements the knowledge our clients gain from the monthly USF Tracker to provide context and analysis of the issues you need to know.
The 12th Annual Update will address the following, among other topics:
- The COVID-19 Telehealth Program
- The Connected Care Pilot and Rural Healthcare Program
- Lifeline and the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program
- E-Rate Outside the Classroom
- The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) and Broadband Mapping
- Rip and Replace
- Contributions Reform
This unique educational event should be attended by anyone involved in the federal USF programs. Regardless of how you participate in the Federal USF programs today, this webinar will provide new insights and recommendations for making the most of this $9 billion program.
Click here to view a recording.