Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement and U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement Finalized

On October 7, USTR Robert Lighthizer and Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama signed both the U.S.- Japan D igital T rade A greement and the U . S.-Japan Trade Agreement . President Trump praised the agreements, stating…

U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement – Limited Deal Reached With More To Come

On September 25, the United States and Japan reached an initial trade deal to lower certain tariff barriers between the two trading partners. This initial agreement improves market access for certain agricultural and…

Tough Negotiations Ahead on a UK-U.S. Trade Deal

What happens next in British politics could mean a significant shift in the United Kingdom’s trade ties with the United States – but the hurdles are many and the process to reach results could be lengthy. Voting in the…

EU-U.S. Trade: Is a Deal Doable?

The ongoing WTO aircraft subsidy disputes, resulting in both EU and U.S. retaliatory tariff announcements, and the failing EU-U.S. trade agreement negotiations certainly have strained trade relations. Nevertheless,…

Challenges ahead for European Commission in pushing through EU-Mercosur trade deal

On 28 June 2019, the European Union and the South American customs union Mercosur (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) struck a sweeping trade agreement covering almost 100 billion dollars’ worth of bilateral…