Trade and Manufacturing Monitor
News and insight from our international trade practice group
House Passes Unanimous Duty Suspension Bill Loading Bases for Senate Grand Slam
The House of Representatives passed on January 16, 2018 a bill providing temporary duty relief on about 1,800 imported products that are not available or produced in the United States. The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act…
Congress Presses-On for Temporary Tariff Relief on Non-U.S. Made Goods by Year's End
The House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on October 25th to discuss the new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Process – overseen by the U.S. International Trade Commission with input from other federal…
Combating Evasion of Duties Front and Center
Last year, President Obama signed into law the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (“TFTEA”). Section 421 of the TFTEA (commonly called the Enforce and Protect Act, or EAPA), establishes procedures for…