Trade and Manufacturing Monitor
News and insight from our international trade practice group
WEBINAR: How U.S. Companies Can Seek Savings Under New Miscellaneous Tariff Bill
Thursday, October 10, 201912:00 PM - 1:00 PM Many companies are looking for opportunities to reduce or eliminate duties on products they import. In 2015, Congress passed legislation codifying a duty reduction process,…
House Passes Unanimous Duty Suspension Bill Loading Bases for Senate Grand Slam
The House of Representatives passed on January 16, 2018 a bill providing temporary duty relief on about 1,800 imported products that are not available or produced in the United States. The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act…
Congress Presses-On for Temporary Tariff Relief on Non-U.S. Made Goods by Year's End
The House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on October 25th to discuss the new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Process – overseen by the U.S. International Trade Commission with input from other federal…