Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

What Does Brexit Mean for Privacy Shield?
Three and a half years after UK citizens voted to leave the EU, the country officially left the Union on January 31. One of the many questions resulting from the departure is what happens to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield…
A Tale of Two Aircraft: U.S. Wins Historic Award in Airbus Case While EU Awaits Ruling on Boeing
On October 2, 2019, the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) awarded the U.S. the largest arbitration award in the WTO’s history, $7.5 billion annually, in retaliation for the unlawful EU subsidization of Airbus. The award…
The EU and Canada Blueprint for Interim WTO Dispute Settlement
The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) dispute settlement process risks collapse by the end of this year as the United States continues to block appointments to the WTO Appellate Body. Once the terms of two of the three…
EU-U.S. Trade: Is a Deal Doable?
The ongoing WTO aircraft subsidy disputes, resulting in both EU and U.S. retaliatory tariff announcements, and the failing EU-U.S. trade agreement negotiations certainly have strained trade relations. Nevertheless,…
Bespoke UK-EU Customs Union: Still a Viable Option?
Results of the European elections held in the UK on 23 May resulted in a significant defeat for the ruling Conservative party and a win for the Brexit Party, a single issue political group seeking for the UK to…