Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

In Rare Move, Trump’s Commerce Secretary Self-Initiates Chinese Aluminum Trade Remedy Cases

The U.S. Department of Commerce self-initiated antidumping and countervailing investigations of common alloy aluminum sheet from China on November 28. An accompanying fact sheet estimates dumping margins on the subject…

Commerce Continues China’s Status as a Non-Market Economy

On October 26, 2017, the Department of Commerce announced the results of an investigation concluding that China is a non-market economy (“NME”) country for purposes of Commerce’s antidumping analysis. Commerce’s…

Commerce Announces Preliminary Subsidy Margins on Certain Aluminum Foil from China

On August 14, the Commerce Department published a notice in the Federal Register announcing preliminary subsidy margins ranging from 16.56 to 80.97 percent in its countervailing duty investigation of certain aluminum…

Ross Op-Ed Defends U.S. Trade Policy as Response to Unfair Trade Practices of Others – Not Protectionism

In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross reminds U.S. trading partners with sizeable surpluses that trade flows in not one, but two directions. Pushing back against assessments…

NTIA's BroadbandUSA Announces a Community Connectivity Initiative Workshop, one of the Recommendations from the Broadband Opportunity Council

This mon th marks the one year anniversary of the Presidential Memorandum that created the Broadband Opportunity Council (Council), a federal inter-agency council, tasked with using all available and appropriate…