Trade and Manufacturing Monitor
Bespoke UK-EU Customs Union: Still a Viable Option?
Results of the European elections held in the UK on 23 May resulted in a significant defeat for the ruling Conservative party and a win for the Brexit Party, a single issue political group seeking for the UK to…
What does the Brexit Flextension Mean for Business?
On 10 April 2019, the European Union granted the United Kingdom a flexible extension, coined a “flextension”, until 31 October. This additional period of time is intended, to allow the UK to ratify the Brexit Deal, an…
United Kingdom Legislating to Avoid a Legal Gap after Brexit but Warns UK Persons to Confirm the Details
With or without a deal and unless there is a last minute extension, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union (EU) at 11 pm London time on 29 March 2019. Since triggering the exit process, the UK has worked…
UK Cabinet Approves Brexit Agreement
On 14 November 2018, the UK Cabinet approved an agreement permitting the orderly exit of the UK from the European Union (EU), commonly known as Brexit. Without such Withdrawal Agreement, the UK would crash out of the…
Impact of a No-Deal Brexit on Agri-Food Business
Both the EU and the UK are eager to achieve a Brexit deal. However, with time running short and red lines continuing to be drawn on both sides, a no-deal Brexit scenario remains a possibility. For this reason, both the…