Kelley Green Law

EPA Approves First "Long-Lasting Anti-Viral" for Emergency Use to Fight Coronavirus
Today, EPA announced that it has issued the first ever emergency use exemption for a "long-lasting" anti-viral coating. The exemption was granted upon request by the state of Texas to permit use of the coating at…
Kelley Drye Legal Download - Cleaning Up: Answers To Common Questions About Disinfectant, Germ, and Virus-Killing Claims
Since the start of the pandemic, we have been receiving a lot of questions regarding products claiming to kill or otherwise inhibit viruses, bacteria and other germs. Following on from their recent webinar on this same…
Upcoming Webinar: Cleaning Up From 2020: Guidance for Disinfectant, Germ and Virus Killing Claims
Join us next Wednesday, July 29 for a webinar covering the basics of germ killing and related product claims. Register Here COVID-19 has brought a proliferation of products claiming to kill or otherwise inhibit…
EPA Cautions Consumers About Ozone Generators, UV Lights, and Other Pesticide Devices Making Coronavirus Claims
Amid the flurry of products making coronavirus -related claims, some without legal approval or scientific support, one class of products raises unique questions: so-called "pesticide devices," like ozone generators and…
FDA and FTC Joint Warning Letters Target Amazon Affiliates Making False COVID-19 Claims
Originally posted on Ad Law Access on May 29, 2020 Earlier this week, federal regulators continued their efforts to combat the spread of products featuring allegedly false and misleading claims that products can…