CommLaw Monitor
Beyond the Latest Frontier: Licensed, Unlicensed, and Experimental Operations above 95 GHz
Fulfilling a promise made by Chairman Pai in the fall that the Federal Communications Commission would give a close look to opening up licensed operations in the bands above 95 GHz, the FCC announced tentatively on…
FCC Equipment Authorization Rule Change Transitions Now in Effect
On November 2, 2017, the FCC's revised equipment authorization rules were published in the Federal Register and took effect immediately. Our advisory details those rule revisions. The Office of Management and Budget…
Commissioner O’Rielly Again Targets Pirate Broadcasters and Their Supporters to Walk the Enforcement Plank
Commissioner Michael O’Reilly called for stronger enforcement action to combat unauthorized “pirate” radio broadcasters in a statement before the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and…
July FCC Meeting Recap: Wireless Microphones Order on Recon and Further Notice: A Mixed Bag for Manufacturers and Users
On July 13, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) revisited the regulatory framework applicable to wireless microphones in several important ways. The Order on Reconsideration…
Questions About Scope of Local Authority May Come to Fore Given Expanded Opportunities for Unlicensed Deployments
Mike Dover contributed to this blog post. The Federal Communications Commission continues to pave additional avenues for building out wireless broadband networks and installing other high speed links, but questions…