CommLaw Monitor
FCC Orders Implementation of Direct 911 Dialing and Dispatchable Location for Multi-line Telephone Systems, Extends Location Obligations of Interconnected VoIP and TRS Providers
At its August Open Meeting, the FCC adopted a Report and Order (“Order”) implementing portions of two recent statutes—Kari’s Law and the RAY BAUM’s Act—that address ensuring greater access to 911 and emergency services…
Wireless Carriers and Text Messaging Providers Should Check PSAP Registry for Text-to-911 Readiness and Contact PSAPs
Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) released its final public notice of updates to the Commission’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Text-to-911 Readiness and Certification…
Text-to-911 Rules Now Effective
The Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC’s” or “Commission’s”) new text-to-911 rules are effective today . As we discussed in a previous post immediately following the adoption of the related order, the FCC has…
FCC Adopts Text-to-911 Rules for Wireless Carriers and Certain OTT Texting Apps
Following on the heels of a voluntary commitment from the four nationwide wireless carriers to support text-to-911, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”), on August 8, 2014, adopted a Report and…