CommLaw Monitor

FCC’s April Open Meeting Focuses on Emergency Services and Wireless Microphones
The FCC Open Meeting, scheduled for April 22, 2021 includes several items of interest. During the April meeting, the third meeting led by Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC will consider seven agenda items…
FCC Proposes Maximum Penalties for “Egregious” Marketing Recreational RF Devices Able To Operate In Restricted Radio Bands
On June 5, 2018, the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC’s” or the “Commission’s”) Enforcement Bureau (“Bureau”) issued a Notice of Apparent Liability against a manufacturer and retailer for marketing…
Beyond the Latest Frontier: Licensed, Unlicensed, and Experimental Operations above 95 GHz
Fulfilling a promise made by Chairman Pai in the fall that the Federal Communications Commission would give a close look to opening up licensed operations in the bands above 95 GHz, the FCC announced tentatively on…
July FCC Meeting Recap: Wireless Microphones Order on Recon and Further Notice: A Mixed Bag for Manufacturers and Users
On July 13, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) revisited the regulatory framework applicable to wireless microphones in several important ways. The Order on Reconsideration…
FCC Form 740 Importation Filings for Radio Frequency Devices Will Be Temporarily Suspended Late Next Year
Imported Radio Frequency (RF) devices must be compliant with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC or Commission) equipment authorization rules, but importers can look forward to some relief in their paperwork…