CommLaw Monitor
News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group
FCC Sets Stage for $4.5 Billion Auction by Resolving Mobility Fund Phase II Challenges
The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) took a major step forward on closing the “digital divide” in mobile broadband at its February meeting by unanimously adopting an Order resolving the remaining challenges to…
FCC Adopts Text-to-911 Rules for Wireless Carriers and Certain OTT Texting Apps
Following on the heels of a voluntary commitment from the four nationwide wireless carriers to support text-to-911, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”), on August 8, 2014, adopted a Report and…
Tenth Circuit Issues Decision in Qwest Phoenix Forbearance Appeal
Randy Sifers contributed to this blog post. Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit issued its long-awaited decision in Qwest v. FCC, Qwest’s appeal of the Federal Communication Commission’s…