CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Reminder – Be Careful When Settling A Wage Claim

Addressing an issue that the Second Circuit had not explicitly touched before, the court just held that parties cannot privately resolve and/or discontinue an FLSA claim, without the supervision of the DOL or court…

Sirius XM Settles Wage & Hour Class Action With Unpaid Interns

Earlier this month Sirius XM Radio Inc. settled a wage & hour class action with a class of 1,852 unpaid interns that claimed the company violated federal and state labor laws by failing to compensate them for the work…

Tide of Circuit Courts Finding Paid Suspension Is Not An Adverse Employment Action Grows

In an issue of first impression, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday, August 12, that a paid suspension does not constitute an adverse employment action under Title VII, joining the unanimous opinion of…

Fourth Circuit Rejects “Manager Rule” in Title VII Claims

On Monday, August 10, the Fourth Circuit rejected the application of the “manager rule” in the Title VII context, finding it “would discourage . . . employees from voicing concerns about workplace discrimination.” The…

Recent Ruling in LGBT Case Another Reminder That Religion Cannot Justify Discrimination

We predicted in blog posts on July 24 th and July 7 th that we would be seeing more in the way of LGBT litigation. I also recommended that managers be given extra training or reminders that in states where LGBT…