CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Obama Proposes E-rate Reform

In a speech yesterday, President Obama proposed to reform the federal Universal Service Fund's Schools and Libraries program (commonly referred to as the "E-rate" program. He directed the FCC to implement a program…

FCC Denies Another E-Rate Appeal for Failure to Comply with Competitive Bidding Procedures

With the e-rate program pressing against its cap in funding, the FCC seems to be clamping down on its competitive bidding procedures. For the fifth time this month, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau denied a…

FCC Denies E-rate Appeal for Improper Service Provider Conduct in Competitive Bid

Shortly after I posted an entry noting the FCC's denial of e-rate appeals for competitive bidding violations, the Wireline Competition Bureau issued another decision along the same lines. In this case, however, the…

Three E-rate Appeals Denied for Failures in Competitive Bidding

Earlier this month, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau denied three appeals by school districts seeking funding under the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund. In all three decisions, the…

Comment Dates Set for E-Rate Bundled Services Rule Change

Earlier this month, we told you about the FCC's change of heart regarding "free" equipment bundled with e-rate eligible services. The FCC's proposed rule change was published in the Federal Register today,…