CommLaw Monitor
FCC Adopts Standard Questions to Facilitate Executive Branch Review of Applications Involving Foreign Interests in Applicants
At its September 30, 2021 Open Meeting, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) unanimously adopted a Second Report and Order in IB Docket No. 16-155 requiring applicants with reportable…
Webinar: New Developments on Foreign Investment Reviews in the Telecommunications Sector
For decades, parts of the Federal government have examined transactions that introduce and increase foreign investment in United States telecommunications businesses. Transactions that implicate reviews by the…
President Formalizes Executive Agency Review of FCC Applications and Licenses; Quick Action on FCC License Revocation
For years, there have been critiques about the lack of procedures surrounding the review, by a group of Executive Branch agencies commonly referred to as “Team Telecom”, of applications before the Federal…
DOJ Releases CLOUD Act White Paper and FAQ
Earlier this month, the Department of Justice released a White Paper and FAQ on the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act. Enacted in March 2018, the CLOUD Act attempts to resolve the legal conflicts that…
Battle Over Collection of Robocall Fines Illustrates Broader Enforcement Issues, Not a Lack of Willpower on TCPA
A new report from the Wall Street Journal on FCC robocall enforcement set off a minor scrum over the effectiveness of the FCC’s TCPA efforts under Chairman Pai. The report claimed that, despite recent eye-popping…