CommLaw Monitor

FCC Initiates Rulemaking to Deregulate End-User Charges and Simplify Customer Bills
The FCC has proposed new rules to eliminate several obscure telecommunications charges that were either mandated or authorized for price regulated local exchange carriers and then mirrored by many competitive…
FCC Proposes Further Easing of Regulations on Telecommunications Service Providers on the U.S. – Cuba Route
The thawing of relations between the U.S. and Cuba continues to spark Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) action to relax regulations - and thereby further open opportunities for carriers - on the…
Appeals Court Rules that Federal Courts May Hear Interconnection Agreement Claims in the First Instance
Barbara Miller co-authored this post. This week, the Fourth Circuit issued an important decision concerning the jurisdiction and role of federal courts in the interpretation and enforcement of state-approved…
Wireline Competition Bureau Clarifies and Revises the FCC's Rules as Carriers Prepare to Make Transitional Intrastate Access Reciprocal Compensation Rate Reductions
Compliance with the FCC's revised intercarrier compensation rules adopted in its USF/ICC Transformation Order continues to be a work in progress for many carriers. The rules have generated several waves of questions as…
FCC Clarifies USF Reform/Intercarrier Compensation Order
This post was drafted by Chip Yorkgitis . On Friday, February 3, 2012, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau jointly released an order revising and clarifying certain aspects of…