CommLaw Monitor

Join Kelley Drye and Telecom Council at TC3 Carrier Connections
On November 16th, Partner Steve Augustino will host the “Private 5G Networks” roundtable during Telecom Council’s virtual TC3 conference . This discussion will delve into this latest trend in 5G innovation, including…
FCC’s March Open Meeting Highlights 3.45 GHz Band Auction
The FCC released the agenda for its next Open Meeting, scheduled for March 17, 2021. The March meeting will notably include a Report and Order that would reallocate 100 megahertz of prized mid-band spectrum in the 3.45…
Spectrum: 2021
Join Partner Chip Yorkgitis and the Wireless Communications Alliance for a look at how the spectral landscape continues to evolve and what to expect in 2021. On January 26 at 7:00 pm EST (4:00 PST), this virtual event…
FCC Creates Framework to Fund 5G Deployments in Rural Areas
The FCC recently took a major step in promoting deployment of 5G networks in rural and hard-to-serve areas by adopting a Report and Order establishing the 5G Fund for Rural America (5G Fund) support program. The…
Podcast: Sizing up the FCC in 2021
The upcoming election will bring changes to the FCC, regardless of which party wins the White House. In this episode of Kelley Drye’s Full Spectrum, the Communications group is joined by Dana Wood, co-chair of Kelley…