FCC Sets Start Date for Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
After nearly four months of work, the FCC announced today that the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (“EBBP”) will launch on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Providers participating in the EBBP can begin enrolling eligible households into the program to receive supported service. Nearly 750 providers are qualified to offer EBB-supported services, with service discount reimbursements of up to $50 per subscriber ($75 in tribal areas) and equipment discount reimbursements of up to $100 available. The FCC recently conducted a webinar for consumer groups and outreach partners about the program, and USAC has been testing connectivity with eligible providers since April 19. USAC will also host a pre-launch webinar and an office hour session the week of May 3.
Click here to read the April issue of our USF Tracker for more information on the EBBP and related programs.