AT&T Settles Multiple Privacy Investigations for $200,000
Yesterday, the FCC released an Order adopting a consent decree resolving several investigations into failures of AT&T’s CPNI opt-out practices. In the settlement, AT&T agreed to make a $200,000 voluntary contribution to the U.S. Treasury and to adopt a two-year Compliance Plan including monthly testing of its opt-out mechanisms, training and reporting requirements. The Order, which closes out three separate investigations into AT&T’s self-reported lapses in its opt-out mechanisms for small business, can be found here. The Order and others like it (see TLM, June 28, 2010 post) demonstrates that the FCC continues to prioritize taking enforcement action with respect to easily detected failures to comply with its CPNI rules (see TLM, August 4, 2010 post).
Tags: CPNI, enforcement, FCC, Privacy