Law360 Quotes Barbara Hoey on Salary Transparency Laws
In the Law360 article titled, “New Pay Laws Put Onus On Employers To Explain Salaries,” Kelley Drye’s Barbara Hoey discusses the effects of the new pay transparency laws in places like California and New York City and potential litigation and new employee conversations that employers should be prepared for.
“At the outset, I think that the biggest challenge of these salary transparency laws are not in recruiting. They’re in now managing this — we’ll call it the new transparent world — with your existing employees,” Hoey said.
“Life is not equal. We’re all not equal in our skill sets, in our experience, in our education,” she said. “So recognizing everyone can’t be equal, and we have to reward some people more than others, I think what employers need to do is make sure that those decisions are based on objective, measurable, published and fair criteria.”
You can read the full article here.