Why You Should Care About the FTC’s Rule on Fake Reviews

September 10, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (EDT)

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission announced its final rule designed to combat fake” reviews and testimonials. Given the focus of the rule and the FTC’s press surrounding it, many companies may assume that they don’t need to worry about it. The rule, however, does more than just ban fraudulent conduct. It includes various provisions that reputable companies need to worry about, too, as well as the potential for civil penalties. We’ll break down the rule and explain what it means for you and your business. Join Partner, Gonzalo Mon, and Special Counsel, Ioana Gorecki, as they:

  • Discuss the requirements of the final rule
  • Explore the interplay between the rule and the FTC’s recently updated Endorsement Guides
  • Provide practical advice on what to consider when working with testimonials and reviews

To view the presentation materials, click here.

To view a recording of the webinar, click here.