Genna S. Steinberg


New York
Phone number
(212) 808-7639

Genna Steinberg’s practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, including copyright, trademark, trade secret, employment, advertising, real estate, and contract disputes. Genna has extensive experience practicing in federal and state courts, as well before arbitration tribunals. She frequently represents clients in healthcare, technology, manufacturing, real estate, and retail industries. Genna has managed all stages of complex civil litigation matters, including pre-suit investigation, dispositive motion practice, discovery, trials, appeals, and settlement negotiations.

Obtained dismissal of false advertising class action against multinational consumer goods company alleging that the company falsely markets personal care products as hypoallergenic” and tear-free.”

Successfully defended health information technology company in arbitration trial against hospital alleging breach of contract and fraud.

Obtained dismissal of a breach of patent licensing agreement claim against a national clinical testing laboratory in an appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals, which vacated a seven figure judgment.

Obtained summary judgment dismissal of trademark infringement and unfair competition claims arising from an advertising campaign on behalf of a global spirits company, and successfully defended the judgment before the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Obtained dismissal of lawsuit alleging fraudulent inducement, breach of contract, and other related claims against a real estate investment company and its managing principals arising from the parties’ joint investment in a real estate development project.

Obtained summary judgment dismissal in favor of manufacturing company in action by former employee alleging age discrimination, retaliation, and violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Defeated motion for preliminary injunction on behalf of international consulting firm for alleged breach of restrictive covenant agreement.

Obtained appellate affirmance of judgment entered in favor of international construction company in action against former company owners for breach of share purchase agreement.

Obtained dismissal of false advertising claims by Federal Trade Commission against biotechnology company in connection with marketing of dietary supplement.

Represented not-for-profit organization in real property tax exemption proceeding.

Defended national pet product manufacturer and retailer against copyright and trademark claims.

Defended beverage distributor in action by former employee alleging violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Represented marine terminal operator in contract and insurance dispute concerning lease agreement and insurance coverage in connection with natural disaster.

Prosecuted and defended various claims related to restrictive covenant agreements and theft of trade secrets.

Defended clients against various Telephone Consumer Protection Act lawsuits.

She was named to Benchmark Litigation​’s 2024 ​“40 and Under List.” A description of the selection methodology can be found at https://​bench​mark​l​it​i​ga​tion​.com/​M​e​t​h​o​d​o​l​o​g​y​/​U​n​i​t​e​d​S​tates.

National Center for State Courts, Young Lawyers Committee