CommLaw Monitor News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group Wed, 03 Jul 2024 01:30:30 -0400 60 hourly 1 Last Pieces of Wireless Infrastructure Order Take Effect Wed, 20 May 2015 10:23:53 -0400 stock_11272012_0902On Monday, May 18, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the effectiveness as of that same date of the remaining wireless infrastructure rules the agency adopted in October 2014. In an earlier blog post, we explained that the rules adopted by the FCC in its Wireless Infrastructure Report and Order were taking effect in phases. The newly effective rules were held up pending review by the Office of Management and Budget.

The principal rules taking effect May 18 fully implement the new 60-day “deemed granted” remedy for companies when the State or local reviewing body fails to act in a timely fashion on eligible facilities modification requests that do not substantially change the physical dimensions of the antennas structure. This rule was adopted to implement Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, which provides, in part, that “a State or local government may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station.” This means that companies no longer need wait for actual approval for qualifying deployments in the event the State or local government does not act within sixty days. However, the 60-day review timeframe is tolled when an application is incomplete, provided the reviewing governmental body notifies the applicant within 30 days of application receipt clearly and specifically delineating all missing documents or information. Once that information is provided, the 60-day clock resumes (but can be tolled again if further notice is provided within 10-days after supplementation of the application that the information remains incomplete). In addition, the “deemed granted" status pursuant to the 60-day rule is not effective until the applicant notifies in writing the reviewing body that the application has been deemed granted given the expiration of the 60-day period (accounting for any tolling).

The FCC's goal in the Report and Order is to streamline the review process and reduces the regulatory burdens associated with wireless deployments, such as distributed antenna system (DAS) networks and small-cell systems. The new rules clarify the statutory requirements related to State and local government review of new infrastructure requests. With this recent notice, all of the pieces of the new order are in place that support expedited deployment of wireless facilities on existing wireless towers and base stations.

New Wireless Infrastructure Rules to Take Effect in Phases Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:37:48 -0500 The new FCC rules adopted in October 2014 promoting more rapid wireless infrastructure deployments will begin taking effect next month, but not all key provisions will be following the same schedule. In the Report and Order we blogged on last fall, the Commission took steps to streamline the review process and reduce the regulatory burdens associated with wireless deployments, particularly distributed antenna system (DAS) networks and other small-cell systems. Further, the new rules clarify the statutory requirements related to State and local government review of new infrastructure requests.

Many of the new rules are scheduled to take effect in the second week of February 2015. But the entities the rules are designed to benefit will have to wait before the rules take full effect. The FCC delayed implementation of several of the significant changes to the wireless infrastructure deployment process and others are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which could take months.

Any company seeking to construct new towers or similar structures or deploy antennas on existing buildings and structures for its own wireless services or those of third-parties should be aware of the various effective dates for the new rules and be prepared to comply. Below is a breakdown of the principal rules changes and their corresponding effective dates.

Effective February 9, 2015:

  • The EA rules identifying actions that trigger the need for a company to complete an EA were updated to state that the EA requirements do not apply to certain wireless deployments, such as mounting an antenna and associated equipment on existing utility structures, buildings or other non-tower structures, when certain criteria are satisfied.
  • Certain wireless facilities, including deployments on new or replacement poles, no longer require an Environmental Assessment (EA) if the facility is located in an active Federal, State, local or Tribal right-of-way and the facility meets certain height, size and location criteria.
Effective April 8, 2015:
  • The rule providing that Antenna Structure Registrations (ASR) are no longer required for construction, modification or replacement of an antenna structure on Federal land where another Federal agency has assumed responsibility for assessing the environmental effect will take effect two months after the rules described above.
  • The new Subpart CC of the rules governing State and local review of applications for wireless service facility modification is also delayed sixty days. These rules implement Section 6409 of the Spectrum Act ( 47 U.S.C. 1455), which directs State or local governments to approve any eligible request for modification of an existing tower or base station that “does not substantially change” the physical dimensions of the structure.
Effective Date Dependent on OMB Approval
  • The new 60-day “deemed granted” remedy for companies when the State or local reviewing body fails to act in a timely fashion on eligible facilities modification requests – those that do not substantially change the physical dimensions of the antennas structure –will not take effect OMB approval. The FCC will provide a subsequent announcement in the Federal Register to provide the effective date. In the meantime, companies must wait for actual approval.
  • The new rules stating that temporary structures do not require an ASR if they will meet all of the following criteria will not take effect until the OMB completes its review: not be in place for more than sixty days, not require marking and lighting under FAA regulations, are less than 200 feet in height, and involve no new excavation. A subsequent Federal Register notice will announce the effective date. In the meantime, companies may construct such temporary structures without an ASR pursuant to the FCC’s interim waiver.

FCC Eases Process for Tower Construction and Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Sun, 19 Oct 2014 23:38:41 -0400 At the FCC’s October Open Meeting on October 17, the Commission unanimously adopted a Report and Order to update its rules and procedures for new and modified antenna structures. In the News Release following the vote, the Commission noted the new rules are expected to create the foundation for increased advanced wireless broadband deployment nationwide. In their comments at the Open meeting, the Commissioners focused on the effect the new rules will have to facilitate Distributed Antenna Systems (“DAS”) and small cell deployment.

The full text of the Report and Order has not yet been released. The new rules will take effect 90 days after it is published in the Federal Register. The longer period was a concession to Commissioner Clyburn’s concerns about the burdens on state and local governments to comply with the new rules, which will impose a “shot clock” on state and local government review. The Report and Order will focus on five key areas to address wireless infrastructure deployment:

1) The current National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process currently has an exclusion for certain antennas attached to existing structures. The Report and Order will expand the exclusion to include additional changes to structures, such as larger dimensions to antennas attached to the structure.

2) The state historic preservation officer (SHPO) review in the current rules will be updated to add exclusions for non-substantial changes to structures although not in areas designated as historic sites. The FCC also looks at broader program alternatives with the Tribal Nations and SHPO's for streamlining the review process. Commissioner Pai specifically noted that a new National Programmatic agreement was expected in the next 18-24 months which would address these issues, as well as other matters, to further ease deployment.

3) The Report and Order will update the state and local government review process for new towers and modifications to existing structures. The Report and Order will define additional terms and adopts rules to clarify and implement statutory limitations on State and local government. Specifically, the Report and Order will establish a 60-day "deemed granted" remedy when state and local governments fail to act within that two-month time frame on an eligible facilities modification request under Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act.

4) The Commission’s Section 332 antenna siting "shot clock" requires state and local governments to act within "reasonable time". The newly adopted Report and Order includes injunctive relief for tower owners in the event state/local entities do not comply with the shot clock, thereby providing further teeth to the Commission’s interpretation of Section 332 to facilitate deployment.

5) Finally, the Report and Order codifies the Commission’s waiver previously granted to allow temporary towers on a streamlined basis. Particularly, temporary towers are not subject to the 30-day notice requirement.

In Commissioner Clyburn's statement at the Open Meeting adopting the Report and Order, she confirmed that her vote in favor of the Order was also the result of CTIA and PCIA reaching an agreement to a series of actions with state and local governments to aid transition to the new rules. CTIA and PCIA agreed to:

1) Provide information to state and local governments with limited resources of processes and resources established in other jurisdictions.

2) Provide/conduct educational webinars for state and local governments on the application process and FCC rules.

3) Assist in drafting sample ordinances for state/local entities to use in their review process.

4) Provide a checklist for entities to use in association with the streamlined process

The Commission is expected to release the complete Report and Order in the near term. While the new rules are expected to expedite DAS and small cell deployment, the new rules will impact any company seeking to construct new towers for wireless services.
