PODCAST - Inside the TCPA, Episode 6, Rethinking Enforcement 

TCPA FCC Petitions Tracker

FTC Hits the Brakes on Brake Pad Claims

Sugar Content Representations Not Misleading When Ingredient Panel Provides Accurate Disclosures, Eastern District of New York Court Finds

Facial Recognition Tech Enforced by Vermont AG Under State Privacy & Data Broker Laws

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To help clients navigate the new challenges of COVID-19, Kelley Drye has produced a number of articles, webinars, and blog posts that cover a range of topics, including the following:

PODCAST - COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know Now

Retailers Should Keep Price Gouging Laws in Mind

Telemarketing During the Pandemic

Price Gouging Enforcement Escalates At Federal and State Levels

Challenges Shipping on Time Because of COVID-19?

What You Should Know about the FTC’s Mail Order Rule

Data Privacy Considerations for Coronavirus Data Tools

CBD Manufacturer Not Immune From FDA Enforcement For COVID-19 Claims

In Wake of COVID-19, FDA Scales Back Food Facility Inspections and Takes Other Steps to Reassure Americans and Protect the Food Supply

FDA Releases Industry Guidance Regarding Adverse Event Reporting During COVID-19

FDA Updates Hand Sanitizer Guidance, Expresses Openness to Expedited Medical Device Reviews for PPE

FDA Updates Enforcement Policy for Face Masks and Respirators

FDA Updates Enforcement Discretion Policy For Gowns, Gloves, and Other Apparel

KDW COVID-19 Resource Center Provides Critical Business Guidance

Coronavirus: Does My Disinfectant Work Against the COVID-19 Pathogen?

Coronavirus Advertising-Related Enforcement is Ongoing

Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: FDA Releases Supplemental Draft Completing its Draft Guidance Regarding Protecting Food Against Intentional Adulteration

The Justice Department and FTC Announce Expedited Antitrust Review for Coronavirus Public Health Efforts


COVID-19 Update for Your Workplace

Options for Mitigating the Impacts to Your Business from the Coronavirus Pandemic: Insurance Coverage and Force Majeure Clauses

The Federal Relief Package: Is Your Business Small, Medium, Large, Essential and/or Critical and What Those Terms Mean for You and Your EmployeesWe have also compiled a COVID-19 Response Resource Center to help businesses navigate this uncertain environment.

This year, in conjunction with the launch of the Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center, we have been holding a series of webinars:


Replay recent webinars below or find these and other webinars on the Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center:

Influencer 101 Webinar

Advertising 101 Webinar

Privacy 101 Webinar

Cosmetics False Advertising Litigation Trends and Marketing Compliance Webinar