Vineyard Gazette Quotes Partner David Frulla on Lawsuit to Protect Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen

In an article, Vineyard Fishermen Sue in U.S. Court to Block Cape Wind Associates,” the Vineyard Gazette notes partner David Frulla’s representation of the Martha’s Vineyard/Dukes County Fishermen’s Association and fisherman Jonathan Mayhew in their federal lawsuit against the U.S. Secretary of the Interior. The complaint alleges the government’s record of decision allows Cape Wind Associates to lease the property and develop the wind energy project. It asserts that the project will cause an effective closure of prime, historic fishing grounds on Horseshoe Shoal.”

The article quotes David: “ These are people facing the loss of their livelihood. With the trend by the administration toward quota-based management, which is yielding further concentration of boats in the industry, they are already facing a tough headwind. The small family-owned fishing boats are in trouble.’ ”